
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

    O.W.L  (organized while learning)  🔝 

                   Resultado de imagen de owl classroom 

Hello ! Today we are going to talk about how to improve the receptive skills : listening and reading .Let me present you an amazing web called :"STARFALL" .
Here you can find funny activities for kindergarten students and first years of primary. The best of all is that is free !               It follows the phonic method . Enjoy ! http://www.starfall.com/
Resultado de imagen de starfall

PHONICS can be extremely funny, as First grade students know. Letters and sounds make sense !

But if you prefer keep up going with an integrative content, don´t forget to visit our Canadian friend Maple Leaf Learning. Here it is one example, (though we make the whole rainbow!)

Thanks for visiting !
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